About Me

Welcome to my rebranded site Artistic Graffiti. I love making graphics so after a long time off I'm ready to get back in so enjoy my site and come back often!!

Blog Design By

Blog made with FTU kit from http://mizteeques.blogspot.com Tube is AI Generated by Artistic Graffiti. Powered by Blogger.

Forums I Love

artistictagpassions CM1-byangelsdesignz taggersinn tk-SOBlinkie

AI Kits and Traditional Scrapkits

Miz-Teeques-button adrianeblinkie tk-Monster-Munchiesblinkie-vi tk-Sassy-Soul-Blinkie2

Tutorials I Love

AAblinkieallisonstuts tk-Scrappy-Fun-Blinkie karmalized-FANblinkie-vi


2-Scrap-and-Tubes-CU4-CU-FREE-LICENSE CU-LICENSE-2 CU4-CU-License-Mari freeks Moonflower-Whimsy Unlimited-Use-Mari

Artistic Graffiti

Tuesday, January 14, 2020
****Ad for PsychoB Kreationz*****

I used the kit Hot N Glamourous  by  Savage Dezinez and Tube  ©Ismael Rac from PsychoB Kreationz.

The Kit has

170 elements
10 frames
20 papers
2 clusters

The kit and tube were awesome to play with.  It would be beautiful to use for Valentines or any occasion.  Let your imagination run wild!! 

You can find the kit here:
You can find the tube here:

Her blog is here:
PBK Blog

Saturday, January 4, 2020
****Ad for PsychoB Kreationz*****

I used the kit Meowy Kissmas by PsychoB Kreationz.

The Kit has
 152 elements
7 frames
12 of papers
3 Tubes ©Elegance_Eskada

 These tubes are to be used with this kit only.

The kit and tube were awesome to play with although Christmas is gone there's no limit to your creations!!  Let your imagination run wild!! 

You can find the kit here:
You can find the tube here:

Her blog is here:
PBK Blog

Friday, January 3, 2020
"CT For Lynx the Minx”  

I am using a PTU Scrap kit called "Gothic Night", 
by Scrap Kit Designer "Lynx the Minx Designs".

This kit has: 
111 Elements 
5 Frames 
22 Papers 
2 Tubes ©The Hunter 

You can purchase this at ... 

#SGD #PFD #SS #DSSS #LTM #Scrapkit #LTMTeam #GothicNight

Grab My Blog Blinkie


FTU License and TOU

Please Display this license when using my FTU AI Tubes & Kits ♥ ♥TOU Please write your copyrights as this if using my AI Tube & Kit: AI Tube & Kit: AG_(Your Initials) https://artisticgrafitti.blogspot.com/ ♥ Kit Only: Kit By: Artistic Grafitti Tube Only: AI Tube : AG_(Your Initials) https://artisticgrafitti.blogspot.com/ ♥ You can only use my AI Tubes & Kits for Personal Use. ♥ You cannot sell them IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM ♥ DO NOT claim them as your own. ♥ Enjoy and Have Fun.

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